• Summer Is Almost Over: Make Sure You Maintain Your HVAC System And Ductwork

    Summer is almost over which means it is time to get ready for fall. Part of getting ready is having things maintained, such as your HVAC system and ductwork. This will ensure your system and ductwork stay in good condition throughout the winter months, so you will not have a cold home. To help you get started, below is some information about how the HVAC contractor will check the HVAC unit and the ductwork.
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  • How To Seal Air Leaks In Your House

    An unregulated exchange of your indoor and outdoor air is bad for your HVAC efficiency. Having air leaks in your house means you will be losing heated and conditioned air to the outside environment, making your HVAC system work harder or run longer than usual as it tries to maintain the set temperature. Fortunately, the following measures will help you plug air leaks in your home: Installing Back-Draft Dampers Ideally, all the holes connecting your house's interior to the outside air would be sealed to prevent air leaks.
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  • 3 Ways to Improve the Lifespan of Your Air Conditioner

    Your air conditioner is one of the largest and most important appliance systems within your home, as it works to regulate the temperature within your house during the summer months (or year round, depending on where you live). Due to the near constant operation an air conditioner experiences, and the size and complexity of the system, your unit can experience issues and require expensive repairs. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to help protect your system and extend its lifespan, and also reduce your repair and maintenance bills as a result.
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  • Try These Simple Fixes First If Your Furnace Is Acting Up

    If your furnace is not producing adequate heat, you should check out the simple potential problems before calling a technician or tearing everything apart. That way, you don't spend a lot of resources for a problem that could have been fixed with the flip of a switch. Here are some of the simple checks you should always try first: Check the Switches and Circuit Breakers Your first step should be to confirm that all the settings and switches are correct and the system is actually getting power.
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  • Got The Late Winter Chills? How To Handle Those Freak Cold Spells

    It's just about time for cold weather to ease up and warm weather to begin, but in much of the country, cold temperatures still hold sway. Certain areas are in their usual spring routine of warm days followed by a cold front. These can be particularly frustrating if you've already started getting your home ready for spring and summer, putting away blankets and changing out your wardrobe. If you're getting hit with a late-season cold spell, you don't have to spend the time shivering.
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  • Don't Get Stuck In The Heat: 3 Ways To Keep Your Home Cooler This Summer

    If the thought of summer has you feeling on edge, it might be time to start thinking about ways to cool you down, especially inside your home. The last thing you want is to deal with a hot, uncomfortable home this summer. Unfortunately, that's exactly what you'll be dealing with if you don't take steps right now to get your home and your air conditioner ready for summer. If you're not sure what to do to get your home ready for summer, here are three tips to help get you started.
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  • 3 Signs You Need Your Furnace Looked At

    It is so important that you have a working furnace in your home. This is your main source of heat in the winter and keeps your house at a safe temperature. If you think that something may be wrong with your furnace, it is essential to get it fixed. Here are three signs that you need your furnace looked at.  Your Furnace Sounds Possessed  If your furnace makes weird noises when it is running, this isn't normal.
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  • Decoding Three Common Noises Your HVAC Unit May Make

    When your HVAC unit kicks on to heat or cool your home, you may hear the sound of the unit kicking on and air circulating. Most people know what their HVAC unit normally sounds like and tune it out when they are watching television or trying to sleep. But, if something is amiss with your HVAC unit, it may start to make a few different noises that are not normal for your unit.
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  • Three Answers To Help You Be More Knowledgable About Your Heating System

    Heating systems are essential for keeping homes warm during the winters, but these systems are often taken for granted by homeowners. If you want to help your heating system keep your home as comfortable as possible, there are some pieces of information that you may want to review. Why Would You Need To Add A Humidifier To Your Heating System? Your heating system will be able to rapidly warm the cold air that is coming from the outside.
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  • Questions To Ask Yourself Before Investing In Crawl Space Encapsulation

    Crawl space encapsulation is the process of entirely sealing off your crawl space in order to make sure that no moisture gets through and harms the rest of your house. If you are a homeowner, you will want to make sure that your house does not smell of mildew or have any moisture problems that will potentially cause permanent damage. Crawl space encapsulation is very effective in terms of making sure that this does not occur.
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