Common Issues with Commercial Refrigeration Equipment and How to Fix Them

Posted on: 20 September 2023

Commercial refrigeration equipment is a fundamental aspect of most businesses. This equipment preserves food and beverages, helps maintain a seamless workflow, and aids in maximizing profits by guaranteeing consumers that the stores' products are continuously kept at the ideal temperature. Unfortunately, despite regular maintenance, these refrigeration units are not perfect and can break down or experience performance issues over time. This blog post covers a few of the most common issues with commercial refrigeration equipment and their respective solutions.

Poor Refrigerant Flow

A common issue in commercial refrigeration units is insufficient refrigerant flow. It's the process by which coolant moves across the evaporator coil to absorb heat. When this fails, the system becomes inefficient, and the coils freeze or frost over. To fix this, clean the evaporator coil. If it doesn't work, low refrigerant levels or a refrigeration system failure may be the cause. Contact a technician to examine your equipment and resolve the issue.

Electrical and Wiring Problems

Electrical issues are common in commercial refrigeration equipment, particularly when there is an issue with your equipment's wiring. These problems can range from power failure to burnt-out motors. To avoid electrical problems, make sure that all fuses, breakers, and control panels are authorized and maintained regularly per the manufacturer's instructions. If you experience electrical issues with your equipment, turn off the power and contact a skilled technician to do the necessary repairs.

Condensation and Humidity

You might have an issue with condensation and humidity in your commercial refrigeration equipment if you notice water droplets accumulating inside your equipment or if the refrigerator walls are moist. To resolve this issue, ensure that your refrigeration unit is adequately sealed to avoid air leaks, which can increase humidity and condensation. Additionally, check if the condensate drain or drip pan is operating correctly to handle extra moisture.

Poor Energy Efficiency

Poor energy efficiency is a fundamental issue with commercial refrigeration equipment. This issue's most common cause is a need for maintenance or cleaning of the unit. To address poor energy efficiency, clean your unit's evaporator and condenser coils every six months. You might also find it necessary to clean the blower fans and heat exchangers. 

Equipment Wear and Tear

Finally, equipment wear and tear is an inevitable issue with any commercial refrigeration equipment. Over time, the parts will begin to corrode, and performance issues will emerge. To ensure that your commercial refrigeration equipment remains in tip-top shape for many years, implement regular maintenance practices. Moreover, you will want to replace any faulty parts before they grow into larger issues, causing your equipment to malfunction.

Proper maintenance is crucial for preventing most commercial refrigeration equipment issues. Regular evaluations ensure smooth operation for years. Consult a qualified technician for effective management of technical problems. Take action to keep your equipment in optimal condition.

Contact a local commercial appliance repair technician to learn more.


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