Tips To Troubleshoot Furnace Problems

Posted on: 14 June 2016

Furnace problems can occur without warning. In some instances, you can use basic troubleshooting to diagnose what is wrong and fix it. In others, you might have to call in a professional to repair your furnace. Before calling for help, here are some basic troubleshooting tips you can use to potentially get the heat flowing again. 

Low Airflow

If there is still heat coming from the vents in your home, it is possible that your furnace has a dirty filter. The filter is designed to clean the air before it is warmed and sent into your home. Over time, the dirt can build up and clog the unit. 

Troubleshooting low airflow always starts with checking the filter. If the filter is dirty, change it. You can find replacement filters at your local home improvement store. Be sure to check the dimensions on the old filter before purchasing a new one to ensure you get the right size. 

If the problem persists, your air ducts could be the culprit and a professional, like Edwards Heating & Air Conditioning LLC, needs to be contacted. 

Constant Cycling

When your furnace cycles on and off too much, your energy costs will be higher. Your heating system is also impacted because it is constantly pushing to reach the desired temperatures, which means more wear and tear. 

Start your troubleshooting by checking the filter. If the filter is clean, the thermostat could be to blame. The components of the thermostat could be dirty, which impacts its ability to measure the temperature and communicate with the heating system. You can clean the thermostat by removing its cover and using a lint-free cloth to gently clean the interior components. Replace the cover and test the heating system again. 

If the system continues to cycle on and off, the heat anticipator might need to be adjusted. Beneath your thermostat's cover, you will find a small disc that has numerical marks on it. That disc is the heat anticipator. To resolve a system's constant cycling, move the lever on the disc towards the "Longer" setting. 

Move the lever only one marking up at a time. After each move, test the heating system to determine if the cycling is resolved. If not, move it another marking towards the "Longer" setting.

If this doesn't stop the constant cycling, or if your having other problems with your furnace, consult a pro as soon as possible to avoid potentially even bigger issues. 


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